Shrinking Violet Review

Hey Beauties! How are you?

Today I’ll be talking about a product I’ve had the opportunity to use for the last four weeks or so. Its the Shrinking Violet weight-loss home kit. The company contacted me and asked if I’d like to try out their product, I was skeptic at first but gave it a shot eventually. I know I’m not on the heavy side but I definitely have those stubborn areas that make me stare at my reflection in dismay. My interest for this product was sparked even more when I discovered all you had to do was apply the oil that came with the kit on your problem areas and wear a silver Shrinky suit for 60 minutes! I know right, that sounds really weird.

The kit arrived on time and nicely packed with all the necessary tools & instructions. Tick Tick.
Fast delivery and lovely packaging.
The kit contained a measuring tape, the Skrinky suit, a measuring cup, a black disposable underwear, 200ml of Oil and a chart with a list of different body parts where you can record your measurements before and after four weeks.

The treatment was super simple.
*Apply the Oil in your areas of concern, mine were my tummy and thighs.
*Wear the suit for an hour. You can sit around in it or use during exercise.
Repeat the treatment 3-4 times a week.

Let’s get to the review proper.

The Cons
-The oil is really sticky and has a strong smell.
-The Shrinky suit is very unflattering. I received an XL suit!

-At the end of four weeks, when I measured my body parts again I lost only 0.5 inches in total.
-During and after the treatment, I pee a lot.

The Pros
-It is very easy to use compared to body wraps and waist trainers
-My tummy became firmer after every treatment
-Nicely packaged, labelled with necessary instructions

The overall noticeable result I got after 4 weeks can be compared to a similar outcome if i’d worked out for about 30minutes three-four times a week.
Like every weight-loss treatment, its most effective when accompanied with a healthy lifestyle. Probably why this product didn’t work for me, I’m the queen of french fries. Another point is consistency and longevity. I did the treatment erratically on any three days of the week I had time, over 4 weeks, not long enough to get a noticeable difference in one’s body.

It was a disappointing but enlightening experience, I have to kick those french fries out of my diet. I’m not going to give up on my body.
So if you’re looking into working on your weight or any problem areas in your body, cultivate a healthy lifestyle first and then incorporate any weight-loss product to hasten the process. Do you agree? Let me know in the comment section below.

Until my next post,
Remain Awesome.

Kim Dave
