The Shrinking Violet body wrap system is for use by beauty professionals.
The main ingredient is an active phospholipid complex, which is pre-blended with essential oils containing a cellulite blend. For maximum results we recommend a six week course combined with homecare.
Home care products for salon retail are the Bums & Tums, Cellulite Oil and SlimBathe range, which contain less active ingredient and maintain the treatment between salon appointments. No need for wrapping.
Shrinking Violet Body Wrap is a painless, effortless professional process that can successfully remove inches in problem areas, such as thighs, buttocks and abdomen. The technique is so powerful, that a sixty minute session can shrink waistlines by up to 2 inches. The amount of reduction varies depending on build, but many people may reduce by at least one whole size after the first treatment. Immediate results can be seen.
Shrinking Violet body is Tibby Olivier’s own creation. Our solution now has a new active ingredient which also has refirming and anti-cellulite properties.
Wrapture is a special type of heat inducing film wrap which is used during the treatment.