Shrinking Violet: Can You Really Drop A Dress Size In Just One Treatment

To me, to lose weight you need to eat the right things, so healthy smaller portions, and move more, so exercise. Not go on whatever the latest craze is, 5:2, Clean 9, Juice +, because it’s not permanent. You need to change your habits.

That said, when I got asked if I wanted to trial a new beauty treatment, Shrinking Violet, which claimed that it would help you:

“Lose a Dress Size in One Treatment”

I thought, well why not give it a go. I’ve nothing to lose, it’s not a starve myself kind of diet and I quite fancied a bit of “me-time” pampering at home. I didn’t think I’d lose a dress size. I didn’t think I’d lose any inches to be honest because what beauty treatment can take the place of healthy eating and exercise? Still. I was game.

And so the shrinking violet home kit arrived to my mum’s house. Beautifully packaged, with everything you need to perform the treatment on yourself. Right down to the spa knickers and hair net.

Until I received the box I hadn’t any idea what the treatment was, but, if you hadn’t guessed by now it’s a wrap treatment. I’ve never had a wrap before, though I quite fancy one I’m not sure I have the brain capacity to lie for an hour without moving or doing anything. I only tend to do that when I’m sleeping so this was perfect for me, as although it’s a “wrap” you’re not actually trussed up like a chicken you’re in a shrinky suit that enables you to walk around and get on with whatever.

So, after losing the instructions and looking up what I was meant to do with a desperate Twitter plea, I got prepared to have my pamper night the boys got put to bed and I lined up what I needed and got on with measuring myself.

The treatment can be used all over or you can focus on “problem” areas, I carry all my weight on my tummy. Classically apple shaped so my tummy was the target for the experiment. Tape measure out and inches recorded (and gasped at but that’s a whole other story).

Here I Go…..

First up I measured out 25ml of the oil, a measuring cup is provided but mine got cracked so I poured it into my kitchen jug and got on with it that way.

I stripped down to my oldest pants and bra, wasn’t quite ready to wear my paper pants and poured the oil on ready to rub it in.

Rubbed it in all over my tummy and hips. It took 4 goes to get the 25ml on, I didn’t think it was a lot but it obviously is.

On went the shrinky suit.

It was a bit of a faff getting into it, and at this point I was busy praying to the sleep God’s that neither boy would wake up and need to be attended to as I wouldn’t be able to breastfeed in it and it was loud and rustly to walk in. The idea is that the suit raises your body temperature by a couple of degrees so I turned the AC off to help and sat down under my big fluffy dressing gown.

Of course, the sleep God didn’t listen and the Toddler required putting back to bed, and thought the shrinky suit was delightful. Like a shiny spaceman. So kept calling me back to see him. Still i figure running up and down the stairs would help me heat up a bit.

Then I cooked the dinner and stood by the oven a bit.

And just kind of pottered round until the husband came back glowing from his run, promptly falling about laughing at me in the suit before complaining that I smelt.

He did take photographic evidence as well.

An hour was up and so it was time to take the suit off.

Peel it off more likely.

Off it slid, and I was left a bit of an oily sweat box, rubbing it in the best I could and realising I shouldn’t shower for 12 hours (or exercise) the husband was not impressed when I told him this. Still to try and deflect from his death stares at my oilyness I pulled out the tape measure to see if anything had happened during my one hour stint.

Something had.

Half an inch off my tummy and half an inch off my hips. Not too shabby for an hour lounging around in my space suit. Giving the Toddler and the husband a good laugh.

You’re advised to spend the next 4 days drinking extra water to help flush out your system. I did this for 12 hours but obviously I chose to test the suit days before we had a big weekend. A big, champagne filled, weekend. I think I added the inch back in one afternoon. Good news is that as I only used 25ml I still have enough oil to do seven more treatments. Which fits in well with the plan:

1st month; 1 wrap weekly
2nd month; 1 wrap fortnightly
3rd month; 1 wrap follow up

So Wednesday night’s are going to become my at home spa night, I’m interested to see whether the inches do fall off and next time I’m not planning on adding extra toxins straight after. But even if they don’t the oil leaves my skin feeling soft and smells delicious!

The Shrinking Violet at home kit is available for £129.

Laura xx