Our Lavender Seeds

Lavandula angustifolia is one of the best plants to grow for attracting bees and butterflies. This is the Lavender essential oil we use producing attractive scented blooms from May-September. We love to see the cycle come full circle.

Lavandula angustifolia ‘Purple Treasure’

Did you know that planting our free lavender seeds, you can turn your garden, patio, or balcony into an environmentally-friendly space with singing birds, fluttering butterflies, and buzzing bees?

All you need to do is plant the lavender in the area where you live. Birds, bees and butterflies and other pollinators need thriving plants for a better chance of survival in the face of changing climate and urban development.

  • Botanical name: Lavandula angustifolia ‘Purple Treasure’
  • Common name: Lavender
  • Family: Lamiaceae
  • Plant Type: Perennial, Shrub, Evergreen
  • Flower colour: Purple
  • Foliage colour: Blue/Green]
  • Key features: Attractive to wildlife, Flowers, Scented flowers

Lavender is one of the most popular small garden shrubs. Plants have narrow, oily and aromatic evergreen leaves and bear dense spikes of small tubular flowers in summer. Lavandula angustifolia is commonly known as English lavender. Most varieties yield purple flowers, but some cultivars come in white or pink. Nearly all cultivars and hybrids are extremely attractive to bees, butterflies and hoverflies. They make an excellent cut flower – both in fresh and dried arrangements.

Lavandula angustifolia ‘Purple Treasure’ has grey-green foliage and very intense, contrasting blue-purple flowers. It’s perfect for using as an informal low-growing hedge, but it works just as well at the front of borders or in pots.

For best results, grow Lavandula angustifolia ‘Purple Treasure’ in well-drained soil in full sun. Cut back the flower stalks after they have finished or leave the seeds standing for birds such as house sparrows to eat in winter. Trim back plants in April, if necessary.

How to grow Lavandula ‘Purple Treasure’

  • Plant size: 45cm height , 45cm spread
  • Aspect: South facing, west facing
  • Position in border: Front, middle ]
  • Sun exposure: Full sun
  • Hardiness: Hardy
  • Soil type: Well drained / light / sandy

Plant Calendar

Lavandula ‘Purple Treasure’ and wildlife

Lavandula ‘Purple Treasure’ is known for attracting bees, beneficial insects, birds, butterflies/moths and other pollinators. It has nectar/pollen rich flowers, provides shelter and habitat, has seeds for birds and makes a good wildlife hedge.

  • Attractive to Bees
  • Attractive to Beneficial insects
  • Attractive to Birds
  • Attractive to Butterflies/Moths
  • Attractive to Other pollinators

What are you waiting for get your seeds, plant and tag us
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