Different body parts seem to get the spotlight at different times. For now, it seems the bottom is taking center stage. Instagram is so full of inflated derrieres you’d think they were giving away free helium. All joking aside, we thought legs have been ignored for a little too long. Who doesn’t ooh and ah at Heidi Klum’s long and lean legs. How many fashion models are known for their bums? It’s their gorgeous legs that get them down the runway. With Shrinking Violet Spa Treatments we have the means to put your legs above your bum, in priority of attention that is.
How did cellulite get here? Why is it here? How to I make it go somewhere else? Woe is the woman who will stop at nothing to improve the look of lumps and bumps on their legs. No one really knows what causes this affliction but 90% of women can claim it as their own. Men? Not so much. This leads experts to believe cellulite has something to do with hormones. It’s time to fight back.
Several aesthetic tech giants have developed nonsurgical methods of eradicating cellulite. Unfortunately, many of the treatments provide questionable results and require so many repeat treatments, women neither have the time nor the patience to complete the series to satisfaction.
Tibby Olivier tackle cellulite at the root. Cellulite is formed by fibrous bands that run through adipose tissue (fat). Much like quilting, but it’s not as attractive on skin as it is on a Chanel bag. In order to smooth the cellulite, your Shrinking Violet Therapist will infuse the area with our slimming solution, manually use lymphatic draining massage to flush out toxins and excess fluid, Shrinking Violets active ingredients target fat cells to shrink those inches, slim, firm and tone with fat busting results.
Ageing is an equal opportunity collagen and elastin destroyer. It not only invades the face and neck, but collagen loss and poor skin quality can be seen on the thighs as well. Even with good muscle tone, the skin of the thighs is subject to a lot of bending at the knees, constantly stretching and contracting. It’s the contracting part that doesn’t quite happen when collagen and elastin are depleted. Sun damage, volume loss and poor hydration also contribute to saggy, baggy thighs.
Shrinking Violet Body Wrap to the rescue. This method activates the lipolysis process eliminating unwanted fat without effort or discomfort. It provides immediate and lasting slimming and body shape effects helping lose inches in problem areas such as thighs, hips and stomach, among others.
Tip: Shrinking Violet Bums & Tums is scientifically formulated with plant extracts, antioxidants and biotechnological agents to firm and improve sagging and crepey skin on the Thighs and Bottom. Ninety-eight percent of users see improvement. Believers in Shrinking Violet advise using the product on the skin of the thighs. Try it for hydration and a boost to collagen building after Shrinking Violet Body Wrap. Buy it here:
A calf that blends into the ankle without definition and without a taper to the foot has been coined a “cankle”. Women with cankles have an accumulation of fat surrounding the soleus tendon. There is also a genetic component to cankles. If mom or dad were cankle-sufferers chances are you will be too. Cankles make it hard for women to comfortably wear boots and even some shoes.
At Tibby Olivier we advise Shrinking Violet slimming solution and pressotherapy, to give relief to stocky ankles by performing circumferential draining of the calf and ankle area. The procedure stimulates the circulatory system, enhances lymphatic drainage and helps eliminate liquids, fats and toxins that cause cellulite, oedema, lymphedema and venous disorders such as varicose veins. But for those women tired of choosing their wardrobe based on cankle concealment, no amount of time or money will stand in their way.
Exercise and diet just can’t improve cellulite, baggy knees or cankles, but you can get a leg up on improving these problem areas with a visit to our Shrinking Violet therapists and ask about our Shrinking Violet Spa Rituals Treatment Programmes. Tibby Olivier owner and Inventor of Shrinking Violet Spa Treatments has decades of experience in body contouring and are on the forefront of the latest advancements in non-surgical treatment of both face and body. With the spa therapists expertise and hands on skill, there’s no reason you can’t have stand out legs.