Fear Not the Growing Medi-Spa Industry

All industries fear change.  Change is often seen as the threat beyond our control.  What goes on in the business world around us is more than we can control. But more change in the business world leads to more opportunity. The developments in the Day Spa and growing medical Spa fields are no different.

We often talk with beauty therapists and spa owners that are concerned about keeping competitive with the high-tech and often high expense of the medical Spa market.  But, what is happening in the Spa world is more of an evolution into specialisation than a turn towards the great ice age of the Beauty Salon / Day Spa market.

The medical Spa is a slice of the pie that we all share in the beauty and wellness industry. This is the same pie shared by dermatologists and podiatrists with our Spa aestheticians and nail technicians. We have yet to even grasp the potential size of the beauty and wellness pie.

The great news for every piece of our industry is exponential growth of Spa goers we see entering the market.  Spa has become more popular with terms like “Spa Time” and “home Spa” which have massive hashtag followings on Instagram. Our job as beauty salon and day spa owners and operators is to target this new market expansion and then grow them into loyal beauty salon and day spa clients. The process of growing our beauty and wellness pie is much harder than keeping a client that has already tasted and enjoys the slice of the pie we already provide. So, getting the client to our salon or spa maybe a 30 year process, but based on the experience we provide they should come back to us every 4-6 weeks for life.

The medical spa’s birth and maturity will only enhance what beauty salons and day spas already sell. We in the beauty salon and day spa industry matured years ago and we have already mastered the experience of wellness, not just beauty and wellness treatments.

Look at other industries for example, restaurants did not see coffee sales plummet as Starbucks opened thousands of coffee houses nationwide. If anything, the addition of Starbucks brought awareness and growth potential to all places selling coffee. This specialisation within the coffee market has also spurred other non-related economic growth with coffee cakes, coffee ice cream, canned expresso energy drinks and a whole market of at-home expresso equipment. While at the same time, the original coffee leaders see continued growth.

Our responsibility as traditional beauty salon and day spa owners is not to race to provide the latest medical Spa treatments, but to continue with what has served our slice of the industry’s pie; provide a beauty and wellness experience beyond our clients expectations, sometimes a personal touch and a hands on treatment is exactly what your client wants and needs. If your not meeting that important business component then no amount of laser, light, micro-current, dermabrasion offerings will make you more popular or better.

How many times have we seen a new facial or body machine come on the market everyone rushes to buy it as they want to be The salon in their area, to be the first to have it on their treatment menu and then see this treatment fade away a couple of years down the line? Or even worse the salon or spa day owner invests heavily into a machine, kills herself and her salon staff pushing the treatment and making the payments, for once it’s paid for to sit there in the corner of the beauty room gathering dust?

Hands on beauty treatments and spa rituals will never go out of fashion and yield just as good a result immediately and long term, for example Shrinking Violet Body Wrap was tried and tested and came second! Second to all the machines it was tested against see the full story on the link below!! No investment into hugely expensive machines that nearly kill you trying to pay for them or stop you sleeping at night as your hot sweating your next credit card bill statement landing? The investment in this type of machinery can be the differences in buying a Fiesta or a Ferrari, that’s not to say there isn’t a place for all types of machinery in the industry there is but is it really for you? Do you want the pressure of keeping up with the jones so to speak with expensive beauty equipment, when you have all the tools you need in your own hands, manual lymphatic drainage yields dramatic results on both the face and the body, and when combined with the likes of Shrinking Violet this occlusive therapy plus a clinically proven slimming solution what more could you need for great long lasting results. The proof is in the pudding so to speak we have long lasting relationships with our salons and spas who love our treatments, as their own clients return again and again demanding results, which are only achieved by our therapists and day spas using our products, we all work together it’s a combined connection of you and us. Salons may go off and try other products who doesn’t but they return again and again. We love hearing from salons and spas we haven’t spoken to in a while, like seeing an old friend it’s a nice warm experience we welcome everyone old and new.

Our Faith Lift Non Surgical Face Lifting System is the same, no expensive facial machines, pure hands on lifting and draining and a product ingredient that lifts and lifts, even I forget how good this little pot of liquid gold mask is when I haven’t used it for a while, twelve years in and it still blows me away every time. No Faith required just pure lightening Lift.

The dynamics and treatment offerings within wellness are in a constant state of evolution. Beauty salons and day spa owners should feel they are gaining exposure through this growth.

Here are a few tips to keep your beauty salon or day spa fresh and competitive within your market:


Don’t throw away your treatment menu, but add treatments that relate to current wellness trends, for example see our previous blog re Shrining Violet at The Sha Wellness clinic in Spain and adapt it to your hands on treatment menu, you could change one treatment into three separate spa rituals:

Shrinking Violet Body Wrap

Shrinking Violet, the revolutionary clinically proven inch loss body wrap, a treatment so powerfully fat busting, that one 60 minute application can result in a reduction of up to one whole dress size. The top line result from the clinical trial is up to 2.5% fat reduction per application. Its active ingredients penetrate cells and fat busting formula acts as an ideal slimming solution.

Shrinking Violet Body Wrap is a painless, effortless process that successfully removes fat in problem areas, such as thighs, buttocks and abdomen, engineered to also work on cellulite, fluid retention, sluggish circulation and detoxification. The supreme in inch loss body wraps for shrinking those inches.

Shrinking Sheer Bliss

A 60 minutes of pure inch loss bliss, this spa ritual incorporates body brushing and full body exfoliation to refresh and stimulate, bespoke lymphatic mapping followed by a lymphatic drainage massage sequence tailored to your individual bodies needs using the clinically proven Shrinking Violet inch loss oil. This spa ritual will decongest your lymphatic system, whilst encompassing our fat busting formula to shrink those inches, an intensive anti-cellulite treatment encouraging the elimination of toxins and excess fluid, boosts circulation and aid in slimming. Highly effective inch loss. 

Shrinking Extreme Booster

The ultimate extreme boost, this 120 minute treatment combines the powerful results of a Shrinking Violet Body Wrap with the blissful, relaxing, bespoke massage ritual of Shrinking Sheer Bliss with spectacular results, boosting your body confidence by reducing fat, detoxifying, improving cellulite and fluid retention. Shrinking those inches in a haze of lavender heavenly bliss, target all problem areas and also leaves the skin feeling firmer, smoother and more toned. Shrinking Extreme Booster unequalable in powerful fat reduction and body sculpting.

If you can body wrap and massage there’s three treatments, or your clients wants to have a Shrinking Violet Body Wrap, which will tie your treatment room up for an hour, so why not up sell to the client, whilst she in already on the treatment couch, she could have a Faith Lift Facial, we usually recommend offering Faith Lift Facial half price as it’s the 1st time they have tried it, or you may say half face free! as they will love both results of the Wrap and the facial so much, they then associate the two treatments together when booking with pure relaxation, face lifting and shrinking inches #shrinkingsheerbliss


Speaking of beauty salon and spa menus, does your treatment descriptions do a good job of explaining the benefits? Most spa menus are flowery prose more fit for a Shakespearean sonnet.  Express the results your client should see. How will they look and feel after your Shrinking Violet Body Wrap? Helps you look and feel more Sculpted, Firmed and Toned! #shrinkinginches

Just be sure your claims are based on the real outcome of the service and try the treatments yourself so you can describe how you looked felt and maybe can even improve the treatment, we love all feedback to help improve our treatments.

Make the connection

Find out what keeps your clients coming back (or more importantly why they don’t come back). Do a good intake interview and ask questions. What did you like about your last body treatment? What do you expect a facial to be? What two issues with your skin would you like to address today? You’ll get a wealth of information about a a persons expectations and past likes and dislikes if you just ask. Also check your booking system what can you see is the most popular treatment, is this because it’s being pushed constantly, or because your therapist only likes waxing or nails, or quick treatments? Or maybe they are just not recommended to the client?

Do you or your staff prescribe home solutions for your clients to use after they leave the salon to keep that treatment working at its optimum until she comes back for her next treatments?

Shrinking Violet Body Wrap has been voted one of the best fat reducing treatments! Mrs Hippi Homecare was number three!

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