Pregnancy Weight Gain – How To Lose Post-Pregnancy Fat Quickly

Pregnancy weight gain can be a hassle to deal with, and it can be stressful to think about losing post-pregnancy fat after you’ve just had a baby.

After all, growing a small human is just about the toughest thing your body can do, and bouncing back from that can be even harder, especially with a beautiful but demanding baby requiring all your time, love and attention.

If you’re serious about shifting the pounds post-pregnancy, there are a variety of different things you can do to lose weight in as healthy a manner as possible.

As the nutritionists say, about 90% of weight loss is diet, so focus on eating well to get your body back in shape as soon as possible.

The additional part is exercise – even light to moderate exercise for 15-20 minutes a day will help you shed those excess pounds quickly.

The important part is to not let it linger, because the longer you take to deal with your pregnancy weight gain, the tougher it can get to get rid of it.

To reap rewards and get back in shape as quickly as possible, a lot of women opt for slimming treatments that help them along the process.

Our most popular post-pregnancy inch loss and body contouring treatment is:

The Shrinking Violet Inch Loss Body Wrap to help accelerate weight loss, and are a good option for busy new mums, a course of treatments are recommended for maximum inch loss and body contouring. Acting on stubborn fat cells in targeted areas, its clinically proven fat busting formula, helps reduces these cells via the body’s natural lymphatic system.

With pregnancy causing problem areas particularly around the stomach, this treatment is a go-to for those specific areas. Plus, with no needles, no downtime and you can also use the aftercare at home in-between sessions, it’s perfect for a new mother looking to take care of problem areas, one 60 minute treatment is so powerfully fat busting, it can help to reduce you one whole dress size.

Our clinical trial shows 2.5% fat reduction per application, that’s immediate results that then carry on working for up to 72 hours.

Shrinking Violet Body Wraps are a relaxing treatment which successfully removes fat in problem areas, such as thighs, buttocks and abdomen, bio-engineered to also work on cellulite, fluid retention, sluggish circulation and detoxification. What have you got to lose but inches? Available at a Spa or Beauty Salon near you!