Our Herbs & Essential Oils – Lavender

Our Herbs & Essential Oils


Lavender essential oil

INCI name:
Lavandula angustifolia (lavender) oil

Lavender, scientifically known as Lavandula angustifolia, is a member of the Lamiaceae family, renowned for its essential oil production. This perennial plant thrives in sunny, mountainous regions and is native to the Mediterranean basin, though it also grows in similar climates in countries like the United States, the Canary Islands, and Australia. Its grey-green leaves and blueish-violet flowers grow in clusters atop the stem. The name “lavender” stems from the Latin word ‘lavare,’ meaning “to wash,” as the Romans used it to scent their baths, and ancient Egyptians utilized it during the mummification process. Lavender is cultivated primarily for its essential oil, with expansive fields dotting southern France, particularly in Provence, where the blooms turn violet starting in June.
Traditionally, lavender essential oil is cherished for its relaxation properties, offering a myriad of benefits for all our Shrinking Violet Slimming Oils.

Tibbys’ expertise
Traditionally, lavender essential oil is used for its relaxing properties & well-being benefits.

Find the benefits of it in…